Investing In The Future Of Young Men
Taking the time to impart wisdom and knowledge into the minds of young men, is the most selfless act a man can do. Kappa Alpha Psi is dedicated to mentoring the next wave of young doctors, scientist and fathers.
Truth told, young men learn from us, as much through what we say as what we model. Through this unspoken or indirect pedagogy we demonstrate not only skills, but attitudes, beliefs and an orientation to life.
We all have a part to play; CGA simply endeavors to do it's part to uplift and inspire.
7 Phases of Kappa League
7 Phases of Kappa League
Self Identity/ PurposeDiscipline, Assurance, Awareness, and Appearance

Self Identity/ PurposeDiscipline, Assurance, Awareness, and Appearance

TrainingAcademic, Career-Choice, Preparation, and Organization

CompetitionPolitics, Career Advancement, and Sports

SocialReligion, The Arts, Entertainment, Conversation Communication, and Etiquette/Manners

Health EducationPhysical Fitness - Sex Education - Drugs -Health and Safety

Economic Empowerment & EducationStock Market - Fundamentals of Banking - Earning, Saving, Spending - Cash vs. Credit

College & CareerAcademic Readiness - High School & Beyond - Career Day - College AdmissionsFinancial Aid Workshops - Survival Skills

About Kappa League
Kappa League is a subset of the Guide Right, our National Service Initiative. Under the chairmanship of Mel Davis, the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter’s Social Action Program took the form of a training activity for young men of the Alain Leroy Locke High School. The Kappa Instructional Leadership League was designed to help young men grow, receive, and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor.
It provided both challenging and rewarding experiences, which richly enhanced their lives. Membership was open to male students from the tenth through the twelfth grades. The fraternity sought to help these young men to achieve worthy goals for themselves and make constructive contributions to their community when leadership roles become the responsibility.
4 Major Initiatives

Kappa League History
Kappa League was founded on Thursday, February 12, 1969, by the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., at Alain LeRoy Locke High School. Kappa League was adopted by the Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. at the 56th Grand Chapter, which was held August 12-15, 1970. Membership was open to male students from the tenth through the twelfth grades. The Kappa Instructional Leadership League founders were Mel L. Davis, an Elder Watson Diggs Awardee, and Edgar H. Bishop. Under the chairmanship of Mel Davis, the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter’s Social Action Program took the form of a training activity for young men of the Alain Leroy Locke High School.
The Kappa Instructional Leadership League was designed to help young men grow, receive, and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor. It provided both challenging and rewarding experiences, which richly enhanced their lives.